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탤런트 2006. 12. 25. 21:46
Ernesto Cortazar - At The End Of The Horizon _♬ | 배경음악....
2006.09.12 15:25

<★embed src ="http://cafe.joins.com/cafefile/a/t/atrium/Ernesto%20Cortazar%20-%20At%2

0The%20End%20Of%20The%20Horizon.asf" width=0 height=0>

Ernesto Cortazar - Dreaming _♬ | 배경음악....
2006.09.12 15:24

<★embed src ="http://cafe.joins.com/cafefile/a/t/atrium/Ernesto%20Cortazar-dreaming.wma" width=0 height=0>

[( 팝 송 )] When you told me you loved me - Jessica Simpson | 배경음악....
2006.09.08 16:40

When you told me you loved me - Jessica Simpson